10. Dragon from Lake Brosno 
People say that the monster lives in Lake Brosno in the Russian city of Novgorod from the 13th century. This monster ate the soldiers and horses of Khan Baty (grandson of Genghis Khan), when soldiers tried to water the horses from the lake. According to legend, Khan Baty was so scared that he unfolded his army and left Novgorod. Today, many do not believe in the existence of this monster, and some believe that a beaver mutant was accepted as a monster. Bubbles on the surface of the lake do give the impression that something huge is moving underwater. In fact, as scientists say, bubbles are formed due to gas coming from the bottom of the lake.

9. Monster from the Norwegian lake Remmen

The first reliable observation of Remmy, so nicknamed the monster, refers to 1929. A young girl, Astrid Mirwold, went to the lake for water. On the way back, she stopped to rest. The sun was turning toward the sunset, there was no breeze, and the water in the lake resembled a smooth mirror. Suddenly, Astrid noticed on the shore something that looked like a big black pipe. Suddenly the "pipe" slipped into the water and began to make its way through the reeds and sedge growing on the shore. The girl saw how the vegetation moves on the path of the monster. Above the water there was a head, a little like a horse, with protruding ears. The tail of the creature resembled a fin and wriggled like a snake. 

Another reliable observation of Remmy refers to September 20, 1976. Eric Gustavson sat behind the wheel of a bus coming from Lillestrom through Remskog in the direction of the Swedish border. In addition to Eric, his wife and 15 schoolchildren, aged 8 to 13, were traveling on the bus. When they reached the intersection near the church in Remskog, Eric looked at the lake and saw large waves between the coast and the island of Bjornoy.

The driver stopped and the passengers left the salon. The review was limited to shrubs, but it was evident that a large creature was floating along the lake. Eric thought at first that it was moose. The children screamed as the monster began to puff and crawl ashore. All perfectly saw that the monster has a serpentine body about 10 meters long, on the back - 4 or 5 humps. Eric wanted to come closer, but the animal dived again. Apparently, Remmy sailed deep, as the surface of the lake no longer worried.

8. Monsterof  lake Van

Lake Van is located in the east of Turkey, on the Armenian plateau, near the border with Iran. It is the largest soda lake in the world. There are ancient Armenian traditions that the Van Monster lives in the lake. Even the Armenian chroniclers Movses Khorenatsi and Ananiya Shirakatsi wrote about vishapah living in the lake. These monsters were so great that they supposedly could swallow the entire inhabited world.

Jacques-Yves Cousteau, the famous ocean explorer, who is far from inclined to believe in miracles of all kinds, was interested in the enigmatic inhabitant of Lake Van. Unfortunately, at the end of June 1997, death prevented him from making the supposed trip to the lake. June 12, 1997 monster Lake Van was first captured on videotape. On that day, the 26-year-old teacher of the local Unalu Kozaku University was lucky. The shooting of the lake monster lasted only a few seconds. In the video, you can see a black and brown object with a hump, on the side of which the eye can be seen. Kozak claims that the creature reached a length of more than 20 meters! After studying the photographs taken by Kozak, the scientists confirmed their authenticity.

7. The water spirit of lake Kok-Kol

Kok-Kol, located in the Karakistan Valley. They say that there is a relic monster in it, unknown to science, very similar to the Loch Ness monster. The locals call it the water spirit of Aidahar. Maybe that's why animals and people often disappear on the lake. Locals believe that the Kok-Kol has no bottom. By the way, hydrologists who studied the lake in many places did not really find the bottom, but found a multitude of channels and channels. Based on these studies, it was assumed that under Kok-Kolem at great depths there are underwater caves. Ufologists believe that they could well survive ichthyosaurs. Perhaps, it is no coincidence that there is a common ground between Kok-Kol and Loch Ness - both lakes of glacial origin.
At night, strange sounds sound from the lake, like rales or groans, powerful bursts of water are heard, as if a huge creature is splashing in it. According to one legend, the creature is hereinafter referred Aydaharom, like a giant snake longer than 15 m, and on the other - on a dromedary.

Kazakhs have a legend about Aidahara - a snake fed with the blood of living beings. Once he ruled the world. And in his assistants he had a mosquito. At the behest of Aidahar, he had to visit all corners of the earth and try different blood, and then inform the master, whose blood is tastier.

And then one day, returning from the next trip, the mosquito met a swallow. Apparently, he liked the bird, and he shared with her his observations, they say, the sweetest blood is human. Long swallow persuaded the mosquito not to tell about the discovery of Idahar, but the loyal subject did not want to give in.

Then the bird went after the mosquito and, when he began his report, flew up to him and seized his tongue with a sharp beak. Since then, the mosquito has lost the gift of speech, only and could that itch. Aidahar was angry and attacked the swallow, but she managed to dodge. The snake managed to grab it with its teeth by the tail and pull out a few feathers from the middle. And without calculating his strength, he fell to the ground and gave up his spirit. Since then, the tail of a swallow in the shape of a fork.

6. Monster in Karelian Lake Hepojärvi

On the eastern slopes of the Toksov Upland, in the basin there is Lake Hepojärvi ("Horse Lake"), an area of about 4.2 square kilometers. On three sides it is surrounded by high sandy hills, among which in the north-west stands Tea Mountain.

In the summer of 1998, the senior stoker of the Spartak base, N. Banykin, walked the early morning on the beach after a night shift. Tired, he lay down by the water and dozed off. When he awoke, he saw a head in front of him resembling a snake's, on a long neck. The yellow eyes of the incredible creature looked viciously at the man. From surprise and fright the stoker swore hard, and the muzzle of this creature of hell immediately disappeared in the thick thickets of reeds.

Stunned by the meeting with the mysterious, Banykin, who was powerfully rushed to the base and told about a fantastic creature. However, the attempt to catch the monster ended in failure. Neither careful combing of the coastal waters of the reservoir with nonsense, nor watching the surface of the water with binoculars yielded anything.

The second meeting of people with the unknown occurred about fourteen hours on the same day. Eyewitnesses of it were numerous vacationers and summer residents, sunbathing at the lake. Suddenly, about twenty meters from the shore, the water boiled, and in the resulting small funnel the toy rubber crocodile of a gray-green color about twenty-five centimeters disappeared.

The little owner of it, fortunately, was playing at that time in the sand and did not see how the boys threw their toy away from the shore. After a couple of days, someone heavily chewed a crocodile was found by the dacha woman, who was washing clothes.

In the middle of July, 1976, on an early Sunday morning, the senior lecturer of the swimming department of the Military Institute of Physical Culture Chernets Mikhail Ivanovich was on a fishing trip.

He saw something cigar-like, like a very large seal - about 2.5-3 meters long. He had a round face, a nose very flat with two small holes, a mouth (like a slit) and large eyes adapted to life in the water.

They looked very much human and in the middle of the pupil, it seemed to me, contained an air bubble. The neck was two to three times longer than the human neck. The limbs could not be seen and the creature had a strong vertical tail.

5. Monster from the Romanian lake Tarnița

Lake is located in Western Carpathians in Romania. At the local fishermen survived almost a pagan custom. After a successful fishing, they always return a few fish from the catch back into the water. As they say, as a sacrifice to the Dragon, so that next time he does not interfere with good biting.

In the summer, when young people come to the nearby villages, superstitious old people will not fail to warn their grandchildren and grandchildren that swimming in the lake is unsafe, you can "disturb" the water snake.

"At first it seemed to us a big tree, nailed to the shore," one of the eyewitnesses said. - We calmly continued descending along a rather steep slope. When there was very little water left, I cast a casual glance towards the "log" and froze; It turned out to be the size of a whale.

A huge head and part of the body were clearly visible, small waves from the movements of the tail along the water. The maw of the monster resembled a car hood, it could easily absorb a person or an animal, and eyes, the size of a car's headlights, seemed to phosphoresce in the water column. The silent scene lasted a few seconds, then I snatched out my Canon and managed to take some pictures until the monster disappeared in the depths of the lake. "

4. The monster of Lake Stursjohn

There is an ancient local legend explaining how its famous monster appeared in Lake Sturshyon. As early as 1635, this legend was written by the priest Mugens Pedersen. According to legend, once two trolls gathered to boil their own waters on the shore of the lake. They built a small fire and hung a kettle over it. Although the water in it had long been boiling, they all did not remove the kettle and boiled water to the point that an eerie creature with a cat's head and a snake body jumped out of the kettle. It quickly looked around and disappeared in the lake.

It is said that the small monster so liked the lake, that it began to grow by leaps and bounds and reached such incredible dimensions that its length was enough to turn around the island of Frosoen. It is on this island is the northernmost runest stone in Sweden, which depicts a snake surrounding some ancient Norse symbols.

About this stone, as well as about the monster, there are many legends. In ancient times, the lake monster so much dope locals that they even turned to the sorcerer. He cooked a special potion, then read the spell, it was encrypted in the runic inscription on the stone. After that, the monster calmed down for centuries.

Attempts to catch the monster of Lake Stursjohn have a long history. In 1894, the captain of the Swedish navy, Dedering, obsessed with the idea of catching a lake monster, even created for this purpose a real joint-stock company. The venture failed, the shareholders were left with nothing.

Until now, there is no more or less clear picture of this mysterious monster. According to eyewitness accounts, this is a serpentine creature with a dog's head and fins around its neck. Many versions have been put forward that a lake monster can represent itself. Some suggest that this is a huge, not yet open cetacean, others see it as an impressive catfish, others say only about a flock of moose swamping the strait and taken by some simpletons for a monster.

3. Ogopogo from Canada,  Lake Okanagan

According to Indian legends, a vagabond killed a respectable elder on the shores of Lake Okanagan and was turned into a monster as punishment. Aboriginal Indian name of monster - Nha-a-tik or Naytak (lake demon); The name "Ogopogo" was invented in the 1920s and was originally a joke.

According to the legends, Nha-a-tiq lives on the deserted island of Rattlesnake and is a predator. According to one of the legends, the monster, raising a strong wave with its tail, drowned the canoe of the visiting leader Timbasket with the whole family. According to archival records, crossing the lake, the Indians always took a small animal with them to drop it in the middle of the path, beguiling the spirit.

In 1914, opposite the island of Rattlesnake, a half-rotten carcass of an animal with four fins weighing approximately 160 kilograms and a length of one and a half to two meters was thrown ashore. Initially, it was assumed that it was a manatee, but it was also hypothesized that it was the body of a lake monster whose neck had completely rotted.

The most massive evidence of a meeting with a lunar monster dates back to 1926, when it was simultaneously seen by passengers of about thirty cars. After that, the editor of the newspaper Vancouver Sun wrote: "Too many worthy people have seen it to ignore the significance of genuine facts." In 1947 Ogopogo was simultaneously watched by passengers of several boats.

In most of the descriptions, as cryptozoologist Roy Mackel points out, the smooth body is greenish-brown or golden brown in color, almost without scales (which only those who saw the creature at close range), with bristles or manes near the head.

In 1968 Ogopogo was filmed by Arthur Folden, whose cadres are considered supporters of the version about the reality of the monster as one of the most convincing evidence in their favor. A certain dark object moving under the water is imprinted on the film.

2. Monster of Tianchi lake

Tianchi is a lake formed at the top of a mountain in the crater of the volcano Paektusan. It used to be called Yaochi, which means "Jade Lake", but in the eighteenth century it was renamed "Heavenly" and it is called this way to this day. And not without reason - a reservoir entered in the Guinness Book of Records as the highest crater lake in the world, is located at two thousand meters above sea level. The high-mountainous Tianchi Lake, located on the slopes of the Bogdo-Ula ridge in China, has been surrounded from ancient times by a halo of legends and myths, which tells of the monsters inhabiting it.

For the first time the stories of eyewitnesses who collided with unknown creatures inhabiting the lake appeared in 1903. Three hunters, on the shore, were attacked by one of these monsters, and only a series of shots forced him to retreat and again hide in the water. When trying to describe the monster, the hunters declared that it looked like a horrifying buffalo with a long neck and a very extended muzzle.

The largest number of testimonies occurred between 1962 and 1994. It was then that creatures were repeatedly seen by whole groups of people. For example, in August 1962, more than a hundred people had the opportunity to observe for several days in a row how two huge black dots were chasing each other.

In August 1980, a detachment of meteorologists again noticed a giant animal, which, according to its members, had a head, similar in shape to a cow's, a meter neck and beak, like a duck. And in early January 1987 another group of travelers saw how the monster Tianchi emerged near the eastern shore.

To date, the most convincing video evidence is a twenty-minute video filmed in 2007 by Zhuo Yongsheng, a journalist and director of the news center of a Chinese television company, which was created by the administration of the protected area of ​​Paektusan. The man admitted that he was amazed: the creatures, he said, were like seals with long fins.

Most descriptions of eyewitnesses are similar to the description of plesiosaurs - reptiles living around 199.6-65.5 million years ago: they have a massive body, four limbs, transformed into fins, a long neck and a head with an extended muzzle. In addition, despite the magnificent fitness of these creatures to live underwater, they needed to periodically rise to the surface to breathe air. In these moments, apparently, people have seen prehistoric monsters.

1. Monsters of the Irish lakes

Legends of evil water monsters are an integral part of Irish mythology. According to the legends, these water demons looked like horses - hence one of their current names "horse-eels" (horse-eels).

According to legend, the hero of the Irish epic Cuchulainn, who happened to be close to this lake one night, heard the monster's heavy trot and, in spite of his courage, became so frightened that in a flash of an eye he climbed over the fortress wall and found himself beyond the reach of the beast.

Legends ascribe to many Irish saints glorious exploits in the fight against huge monsters. Saint Mochua of Balla defeated a monster from Connaught County, and Saint Senanus and Saint Kevin gained the upper hand in the fight against the monsters of Scattery and Glendaloch.

St. Patrick managed to lure the horse-eel into a huge barrel, and Saint Coleman of Dromor managed to save the girl, whom the monster nearly swallowed, caught unawares when she rinsed the linen in the lake. A great number of ancient tales about lake monsters testify that the belief in their existence has become widespread.

Both in Ireland and Scotland there are traditions of water horses that were very much like real horses, and people sometimes took them for land horses. Legend has it that in the county of Cavan, the water horses came out at night from Loch Ramore and grazed on the fields sown with oats.

In the Middle Ages and later monsters regularly appeared in the lakes of Maek, Greni, and also Bren, the lake at the source of the Blackwater River. After the Second World War, the permanent inhabitants of the shores of Lake Ree noticed a long serpentine creature in the water. On May 18, 1960, three priests from Dublin were fishing in Holly Point on Lake Rea. Father Matthew Burke, father Daniel Murray and father Richard Quigley knew the lake well, as they often went fishing here. Until now, they had considered all the stories about monsters as colorful inventions and were therefore amazed when on a warm summer evening a smooth animal appeared on a smooth surface of the water, something they had never seen before. It floated at a distance of 90 meters, its curved body resembled a serpentine, it seemed to form a loop, and the head, protruding from the water, looked like the head of a python, but much more.

They did not know exactly what size this creature was, but according to their calculations, the total length of the two visible sections - and the second seemed large, rounded, possibly equipped with fins - should have been more than 14.5 meters.


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